With student loan relief on the horizon, you may find sentiments changing around whether or not pursuing a college education is worth it. For a fair number of students, a college degree remains a sound lifetime investment, even if it means amassing a sizable amount of debt. The economic returns can still be quite large, with the majority of college graduates out earning workers that take other paths. However, this isn’t always the case, so much so that it’s left a bad taste in borrowers mouths and trickled down to the next generation that thinks, ‘Maybe college isn’t worth it.”
A college degree was once seen as the key to a comfortable, middle class life. Better jobs with more opportunities were linked to two, four, or more years of costly study.
GenZ is rethinking what its path to success should be. For generations, young adults were told that a traditional college education was the key to acquiring a good job, ensuring career progression, and achieving financial stability. The reality belies the sentiment. GenZers have repeatedly heard millennials lament that upon graduation, there were not only the promised jobs, but they were facing crushing debt from the exorbitant tuition.
The demographics of college campuses have changed. Once heavily populated by fresh high school graduates wanting to continue their education before entering the workforce, today's college recruits are represented by a variety of ages and backgrounds. Enrolling for a myriad of reasons, each student is also looking for a unique experience.
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